Course Summary

Regardless of their interests, students gain a better understanding of how to take action and lead. Interactive workshops on goal-setting, communication, negotiation, and team-building form the core of this course. Students explore case studies drawn from history and business and meet with leaders from different walks of life to gain a perspective on what it takes to lead successfully in any arena, to discover what they have to offer, and to develop confidence about their skills.

Key Features

  • Breakfast in Hall
  • Major classes on topics meet in classrooms, labs, studios, or out and about in Oxford
  • Students can choose to have lunch at any local restaurants or sandwich shops in town. When there is no class, they are free to join in organized activities or trips and tours in and around Oxford
  • Dinner in Hall
  • Evening activities, events, or shows


Academics & Tuition

Extracurricular Program

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