Course Summary

Loosely basing itself on the undergraduate syllabus, this course engages with some of the great works of English literature amidst Oxford’s evocative surroundings. Working from a range of texts drawn from every age, students improve their skills in close reading, textual criticism, and clear, informed writing. Each student engages in a close study of an Oxford text or a Shakespeare play and presents a special project in the final week.

Key Features

  • Breakfast in Hall
  • Major classes on topics as diverse as Studio Art or Business and Finance meet in classrooms, labs, studios, or out and about in Oxford
  • Students can choose to have lunch at any local restaurants or sandwich shops in town
  • three afternoons a week, Minor classes meet in classrooms, workshops, labs, or studios. When there is no class, they are free to join in organized activities or trips and tours in and around Oxford
  • dinner in Hall
  • evening activities, events, or shows


Academics & Tuition

Extracurricular Program

The Oxford Prep Experience for Grades 8-9

Igniting Curiosity, Cultivating Learning, and Nurturing Academic Potential in the Historic Halls of Oxford.

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